
Featured Classifieds

All Classifieds

Auto (Auto)

2008 CHRYSLER Sebring convertible, 128,000 miles, good shape, clean, $3,500. 712-249-9083.

Auto (Auto)

1950 DELUXE 4-door Plymouth, all original, straight body, very good stainless, original seat, stored 20 years, asking $1,200, Boone area. 515-491-9681.

Auto (Auto)

2001 GMC 2500 HD, 136,500 miles, 8100 eng., Allison trans., no rust, topper, air bags, 2WD. $11,000. 641-234-0088.

Auto (Auto)

FOR SALE: 2009 Pontiac G8 GT, all original, runs great, 72K Miles, LS, 6.0L engine, new tires & battery, $24,000. Call Ken, 515-306-0019. Des Moines.

Auto (Auto)

2002 BUICK, runs perfect, tires are good, best car, 3800 engine, leather seats, brand new batteries 2 days ago, $2,000. 641-218-4605.

Pickups (Auto)

2010 black Chevy Avalanche 174,560 miles Runs, drive great Asking $9000 OBO. New Virginia area Call 712-297-0137

Pickups (Auto)

2010 BLACK Chevy Avalanche 174,560 miles, runs, drives great, asking $9,000 OBO. New Virginia area Call 712-297-0137

SUVs (Auto)

FOR SALE: 1993 Chevy Blazer Tahoe, 4-dr, $2,000 OBO. 515-462-1172.

Auto Parts & Service (Auto)

SAM'S UPHOLSTERY I make custom and stock seat covers and interiors for cars, trucks, vans, tractors, RVs and motorcycles. Have an upholstery project in mind? Call me at 515-537-4832

Auto Parts & Service (Auto)

350 AND 305 complete engines and transmissions, not running. 515-726-0335.

Auto Parts & Service (Auto)

I BUY JUNK vehicles, aluminum, copper, brass converters, steel electric motors, air conditioners, farm & commercial. Pick up available. (30) years experience. Donham Salvage 515-250-3112

Classic Cars (Auto)

1966 CHRYSLER 300 44,000 miles, parade ready, 2-door hard top, beige, 2nd owner, local car. 641-414-1305.

Classic Cars (Auto)

FLATHEAD V-8; rebuilt 8BA, other Flathead parts. 515-231-9588 (Des Moines)

Classic Cars (Auto)

1948 OLDS Series 66, 2 door, coupe, black, showroom condition. Finished under the hood, in the interior, and in the truck. 350 with fuel injection, 700 R4. Call for more information and price. Car is in Lenox, IA. 515-313-5120.

Classic Cars (Auto)

FOR SALE: 1966 Pontiac Convertible Lemans Project Classic. Mechanical work is done: rebuilt transmission, new brakes, brake cylinders, and brake lines. New aluminum radiator. 400 Pontiac Engine Some restoration is complete. Minimal rust, $15,500. 641-891-0673

Classic Cars (Auto)

1966 CHRYSLER 300, 44,000 miles parade ready, 2-door hard top, beige, 2nd owner, local car. 641-414-1305.

Farm (Farm)

Young farmer looking to cash rent farm ground in southern Madison or northern Union County. Curtis Berry 515-975-5340 Call/Text

Farm (Farm)

FOR SALE 3 point post hole digger, 9" and 12" auger, excellent condition, $650, 641-202-3511

Farm (Farm)

Young family looking for acreage/farm or parcel of land outside of DSM (Dallas County). Ideal property would be 5+ acres with space to raise show cattle for our daughters. Kyle Ruth: 319-430-0115

Farm (Farm)

FOR SALE: A&L 500 bushel, green grain cart. New flighting & augers, works like new, no oil leaks, $4,500, come quick! 712-830-4621 or 712-292-1281

Farm (Farm)

20FT UTILITY trailer made by H&P with hyd. tilt bed, comes with 4,000 lb. winch with lockable mount, class #4 with two 3,500 lb. axles, very good wooden bed, original owner with title, asking $5,500, Earlham area. 515-491-9681.

Farm (Farm)

FOR SALE: 3-point post hole digger, 9in and 12in auger, excellent condition. $650. 641-202-3511.

Farm (Farm)

IRON RACK 12ft. x 9ft. w/(6) shelves, heavy duty, $950. 515-450-4429.

Farm (Farm)

ALL STEEL JD vintage basket rack, field ready, asking $300, Boone area. 515-491-9681.

Farm (Farm)

LIKE NEW 7ft. 3pt. mower category 2; IH 20ft. disc; J.D. quick hitch category 1. 515-450-4429.

Farm (Farm)

5FT. WIDE angle adjusting 3-point blade, ready to grind, asking $350, Earlham area. 515-491-9681.

Farm (Farm)

SNOW CO Auger 8x50 $275. 515-238-7403.

Farm (Farm)

FERGUSON TO-30 tractor, 8 speed, overdrive, 3pt blade, 3pt plow, 2 bottom, $2,100 cash. 641-629-9841

Farm (Farm)

3-POINT 5FT wide aerator, field ready for over seeding, asking $425, Earlham area, 515-491-9681.

Farm (Farm)

INTERNATIONAL 4 rear wheel weights, good red paint, fits M, H, lots more tractors $300 cash. 641-629-9841.

Farm (Farm)

FOR SALE: 2007 NH TZ18DA compact tractor with 10LA loader, 60in mower deck, hydro 4x4, only 466 hrs, $8,450 OBO. 641-572-0061.

Farm (Farm)

RETIREMENT SALE: NH CR940 combine for sale, 3022 hrs, new front tires 800-65-R32, self leveling sieves; grain and moisture monitor, auto temp control, air seat with buddy seat, windshield wiper with washer, heated mirrors, new bubble up auger; priced at $39,500 today. 712-830-4621 or 712-292-1281. New Holland 74C 25ft platform, 3in knives, 25ft head mover goes with it; $14,500 with head trailer. 712-830-4621 or 712-292-1281.

Farm (Farm)

WANT TO BUY: New Holland 456 mower with 9 foot bar. 515-450-4429.

Farm (Farm)

650 FENDERS to fit IH wide end; cylinder head for IH 460 D, factory checked. 641-484-4397.

Farm (Farm)

NEW 3 PT. TILLERS Heavy duty, Gear driven, 7ft to 12ft, Starting at $4,150 660-874-4455

Farm (Farm)

FARMALL M straight sheet metal, clean, needs some engine work, good rubber, new battery, asking $1,500, Boone area. 515-491-9681.

Farm (Farm)

FOR SALE: Parker 4000 wagon truck tires. $1,600 515-758-2359.

Farm (Farm)

BUYING TIMBER: Walnut, Oak, Maple & other species. Paid in full before trees are cut. Bonded and insured, call Cole, 641-895-8209.

Farm (Farm)

YOUNG FAMILY looking for acreage/farm or parcel of land outside of DSM (Dallas County). Ideal property would be 5+ acres with space to raise show cattle for our daughters. Kyle Ruth: 319-430-0115

Farm (Farm)

WANTED: Walnut trees, 16 to 20in diameter or larger, serious sellers only. 515-991-9108

Farm (Farm)

FORD 8N tractor, Sherman, 12 speed, overdrive, goes fast, side distributor, nice, $2,600 cash. 641-629-9841

Farm (Farm)

BUSHHOG 7FT 3pt rotary mower $1,150; New Idea 5409 disc mower, nice $3,750; JD 510 disc 15ft $2,100; J & M 350 bu gravity flow 20in tires $1,275; JD 20ft head mower $875; Brillon 13ft packer $3,300; hay rack $800; 641-414-1262.

Farm (Farm)

3-POINT 4ft wide cultipaker, ready to go for planting or over seeding, asking $350, Earlham area. 515-491-9681.

Farm (Farm)

3-POINT ROCK rake, only used twice, cost $900 new, asking $675. 515-491-9681, Earlham area.

Farm (Farm)

FARMALL M tractor 12 volt, 5 speed, fenders, nice, $1,600 cash. 641-629-9841

Farm (Farm)

IH 1086, 7,800 hours, new rear tires, runs good, $9,000. 515-314-1478.

Farm (Farm)

FOR SALE: (3) gravity wagons: Brent 640, Brent 644m Ficklin 720, sides, boards, brake lights, good tires. $11,000 each or $30,000 for all 3. For detailed info, 515-210-3475 or 712-830-2067.

Farm (Farm)

YOUNG FARMER looking to cash rent farm ground in southern Madison or northern Union County. Curtis Berry 515-975-5340 Call/Text

Farm (Farm)

ADGA REGISTERED Nubian buck, healthy, handsome boy, 4 years old, proven. He's been with us for two years. We are very happy with his daughters and are selling him so we can breed them. He's been fed browse and grass hay and is from a clean herd. Asking $350, text/call 515-417-8888 for more info or pictures.

Farm (Farm)

SEPT PRICES: One 2yr Holstein heifer, 1100lbs, fall calver, $2,600; Baby beef calves, bulls $900, heifers $800; dairy bull calves $400. Market getting higher and higher, Sept. best month for cattle health, delivery available. 641-784-6124.

Farm (Farm)

FOR SALE; 350 bu wagons, 12 ton running gear , (4) J&M; all have truck tires, always shedded. $2,500 each, come take a look! 712-830-4621 or 712-292-1281.

Farm (Farm)

GOOD HORSE drawn manure spreader, works, $1,200. Call 515-321-2528

Farm (Farm)

JD 7FT SICKLE mower, restored, new tires, new hyd. cyl., Boone area, asking $675. 515-491-9681.

Hay & Seed (Farm)

FOR SALE: OCIA certified organic yellow corn. OCIA certified organic alfalfa/grass hay, large squares or round bales. 641-751-8382.

Hay & Seed (Farm)

(50) BALES first cutting alfalfa, net wrapped, no rain, $75 bale; (25) bales grass hay, net wrapped, no rain. 515-681-2712.

Hay & Seed (Farm)

3RD CUTTING Alfalfa square bales. $5 out of the field. $6.50 out of the barn. 641-891-5419.

Hay & Seed (Farm)

(20) ROUND BALES grass hay, wrapped, 605N baler, no rain, $65 bale. 641-203-2352.

Hay & Seed (Farm)

1ST AND 2ND CUTTING Hay For Sale. Nice mixture Alfalfa, Timothy, Orchard grass available in big round (1,770 lbs) at $85; Small squares $6.50 per bale, no rain, will help with load out, Martensdale area. 515-802-0543.

Hay & Seed (Farm)

3RD CUTTING Alfalfa grass hay, 60 lb. small squares. $5.00 each. About 64 bales total. Take some or all. 641-234-0088.

Livestock (Farm)

ADGA Registered Nubian Buck Healthy, handsome boy. 4 years old, proven. He's been with us for two years. We are very happy with his daughters and are selling him so we can breed them. He's been fed browse and grass hay and is from a clean herd. Asking $350, text/call 515-417-8888 for more info or picures.

Livestock (Farm)

Colfax Iowa Horse Sale September 15th 2024 Tack 10:30 Horses 2:00 Online bidding at Call to consign (903)705-8488 Find us on Facebook at Colfax Iowa Horse Sale

Livestock (Farm)

8 month old heifer: Dutch Belted/Angus cross. Very nice! $1000 641-414-6326.

Livestock (Farm)

RIDER'S DORSETS have purebred production type ewes, $350, 641-340-0330.

Livestock (Farm)

CATTLE PRICES have taken a seasonal drop, one 2-yr. Corriente hfr, 3-stage horned hfr, white/red polka dots, 785lb. hfr. $785. 641-784-6124.

Livestock (Farm)

RIDER'S DORSETS have purebred production type rams, $400, 641-340-0330.

Livestock (Farm)

WANTED: Certified Hereford slaughter steers & breedable heifers. Absolutely no growth implants, corn distillers (AKA skunk deodorant), GMO, grass fed, or black white face allowed. Premium prices paid. Details, 515-229-1958

Livestock (Farm)

FOR SALE: New 6x8 Chicken Coop, $2,545, delivery available, call 515-298-2802

Livestock (Farm)

8-MONTH OLD heifer, Dutch Belted/Angus cross, very nice! $1,000. 641-414-6326.

Misc. (Miscellaneous)

Wanted: Backseat for EZ-GO golf cart. 641-203-0727

Misc. (Miscellaneous)

For Sale: 12 week old Morkie (male) $400, Yorkie puppies, ( 2male,1female)$500. Call/text 641-203-7402

Misc. (Miscellaneous)

WANTED: Back seat for EZ-GO golf cart. 641-203-0727.

Misc. (Miscellaneous)

FOR SALE: 12 week old Morkie (Male) $400; Yorkie puppies, (2 males, 1 female) $500. Call/text 641-203-7402.

Furniture & Appliances (Miscellaneous)

Garage Sale 1502 N. Cherry st. Creston Thursday Sept. 19 8:00-4:00 and Friday Sept. 20 8:00-4:00 Furniture, housewares, antiques, album's, movies, Pictures and home decor. Yard tools. Tile tools.

Furniture & Appliances (Miscellaneous)

GARAGE SALE: 1502 N. Cherry St., Creston, Thursday Sept. 19, 8:00-4:00 and Friday, Sept. 20, 8:00-4:00. Furniture, housewares, antiques, albums, movies, pictures and home decor. Yard tools, tile tools.

Furniture & Appliances (Miscellaneous)

BOSCH GAS front load dryer, new circuit board, works great, with natural gas, asking $250, Earlham area. 515-491-9681.

Furniture & Appliances (Miscellaneous)

LA-Z-BOY SOFA, excellent condition, tan, 7ftx3ft, $75. 712-343-2120.

Musical Instruments (Miscellaneous)

VINTAGE STEREO; Sansui, Pioneer RCA cables, amps, speakers. 515-231-9588 (Des Moines)

Building Materials (Miscellaneous)

Breezy Hill Barns Nick Wilmes: 515-468-3889 Call or email for a free quote today! Machine sheds, Barndominium, Livestock Barns, and many more options

Building Materials (Miscellaneous)

BREEZY HILL BARNS Nick Wilmes: 515-468-3889 breezyhillbarns@ Call or email for a free quote today! Machine sheds, Barndominium, Livestock Barns, and many more options.

Building Materials (Miscellaneous)

BREEZY HILL BARNS Nick Wilmes: 515-468-3889 breezyhillbarns@ Call or email for a free quote today! Machine sheds, Barndominium, Livestock Barns, and many more options.

Building Materials (Miscellaneous)

8 INCH X 8 INCH x 8 foot long wood beams from 125 year old barn, make good mantels. $350 for 8 foot section. Several to choose from. 515-681-2712.

Garage Sales (Miscellaneous)

Garage Sale 1502 N. Cherry st. Creston Thursday Sept. 19 8:00-4:00 and Friday Sept. 20 8:00-4:00 Furniture, housewares, antiques, album's, movies, Pictures and home decor. Yard tools. Tile tools.

Garage Sales (Miscellaneous)

GARAGE SALE: 1502 N. Cherry St., Creston, Thursday Sept. 19, 8:00-4:00 and Friday, Sept. 20, 8:00-4:00. Furniture, housewares, antiques, albums, movies, pictures and home decor. Yard tools, tile tools.

Garage Sales (Miscellaneous)

BIG YARD SALE! Sept. 13, 12-5 p.m. Sept. 14, 8-4 p.m. 2783 205th St. Afton, IA 50830 Records, books, women's clothes size small, antiques, collectibles, kitchen items, DVDs, toys and more

Real Estate (Real Estate)

2300+ Sq ft home w/11 acres for sale. 3+ car garage, barn & pond! 22516 38th Ave, New Virgina. Call for a private showing today! Bob Cupples, RE/MAX CONCEPTS 515-681-8871

Real Estate (Real Estate)

RANCH HOME, over 11 acres, 2300+ sq. ft., 4BR, 3 car garage overlooking pond. 515-681-8871, ReMax Concepts.

Real Estate (Real Estate)

LOTS FOR SALE in Yale, IA with water. Call 515-418-7180.

Real Estate (Real Estate)

2300+ SQ FT HOME w/11 acres for sale. 3+ car garage, barn & pond! 22516 38th Ave, New Virginia. Call for a private showing today! Bob Cupples, RE/MAX CONCEPTS 515-681-8871

For Rent (Real Estate)

APARTMENTS ON SQUARE, Winterset, one and two bedrooms for $500/month. You pay utilities, upstairs next to Mexican Restaurant, Mike 515-468-5353.

For Rent (Real Estate)

HOME FOR RENT: New roof, new dishwasher, new central air, three decks, 2 or 3 bedrooms (one small) two baths, one car garage, large yard, $1,050 month, Mike 515-468-5353.

Mobile Homes (Real Estate)

WE PAY CASH for used mobile homes and manufactured homes. We can also tear down, transport and set-up home for you. 515-577-5399.

Acreages (Real Estate)

Young family looking for acreage/farm or parcel of land outside of DSM (Dallas County). Ideal property would be 5+ acres with space to raise show cattle for our daughters. Kyle Ruth: 319-430-0115

Acreages (Real Estate)

YOUNG FAMILY looking for acreage/farm or parcel of land outside of DSM (Dallas County). Ideal property would be 5+ acres with space to raise show cattle for our daughters. Kyle Ruth: 319-430-0115

Horses (Horses)

FOR SALE: Black and white paint gelding 15.2 hds, 14yr, Gypsy Vanner style, great trail rider, shoes good, catch anywhere $12,500. 641-664-1949, Drakesville, Iowa.

RVs and Campers (Recreation)

FOR SALE: 2012 Durango KZ, Travel Trailer. 5th wheel, 32ft, with 3 slides. All Season package. Brand new tires & front jack legs. Sleeps 4. Very well maintained. Can send pictures. $15,000-OBO. 641-414-2012

RVs and Campers (Recreation)

1992 CLASS A motor home Pace Arrow by Fleetwood, 37ft long, a very deluxe, excellent home! Dual rear axles, 454 Chevrolet motor and automatic transmission, 104,000 miles, runs and drives good, Kenwood CD charger, 43in TV with local antenna, Direct TV antenna and receiver, microwave, back-up camera, 3 beds, (one is queen), washer and dryer combo, generator, located in South central Iowa, reduced price of $6,000. 641-523-3430.

ATVs & UTVs (Recreation)

BIG RED Side-by-side Honda for Sale: 2013 model, runs good, overhauled. 641-745-0367.

ATVs & UTVs (Recreation)

2017 POLARIS 570 SP, 4 wheel drive, power steering, electric winch, front & rear bumper guards, only 331 miles, like new, $6,000. 641-203-1575

Sporting Goods (Recreation)

For Sale two left-handed Mathews compond bows. Monster 7.0 70lb draw weight 28.5 draw length. BlackGold 4 pin sight. NAP apache drop away rest.$200.00 Mathews Z7 70lb draw weight 28.5 draw length. BlackGold solaris 5 pin sight. QAD drop away rest. $250.00 Both bows exellent shape. Phone 641-344-4358 Lenox,Iowa area

Sporting Goods (Recreation)

FOR SALE: Two left-handed Mathews compond bows, Monster 7.0 70lb draw weight 28.5 draw length, BlackGold 4 pin sight, NAP apache drop away rest, $200 Mathews Z7 70lb draw weight 28.5 draw length, BlackGold solaris 5 pin sight, QAD drop away rest, $250. Both bows excellent shape. Phone 641-344-4358, Lenox, IA area.

Motorcycles (Recreation)

HONDA 1981 CX500 $500 515-961-5519.

Hunting (Hunting )

For Sale two left-handed Mathews compond bows. Monster 7.0 70lb draw weight 28.5 draw length. BlackGold 4 pin sight. NAP apache drop away rest.$200.00 Mathews Z7 70lb draw weight 28.5 draw length. BlackGold solaris 5 pin sight. QAD drop away rest. $250.00 Both bows exellent shape. Phone 641-344-4358 Lenox,Iowa area

Hunting (Hunting )

For Sale: Savage model 40, 22 Hornet. Heavy barrel. Laminated thumbhole stock. very good condition. $550 OBO. Remington "Targetmaster" model 510, 22 caliber. $200. 515-669-1594

Hunting (Hunting )

FOR SALE: Two left-handed Mathews compond bows, Monster 7.0 70lb draw weight 28.5 draw length, BlackGold 4 pin sight, NAP apache drop away rest, $200 Mathews Z7 70lb draw weight 28.5 draw length, BlackGold solaris 5 pin sight, QAD drop away rest, $250. Both bows excellent shape. Phone 641-344-4358, Lenox, IA area.

Hunting (Hunting )

RUGER 77 Varmint rifle .223 $850; Kimber 1911 45 auto $800; Ruger Blackhawk .357 magnum $600; Interarms mauser action .300 H&H magnum $600; Stevens model 555 16ga over/under, new in box $650. 515-979-4642.

Hunting (Hunting )

DEER ANTLERS WANTED Highest price paid. Call us first. 641-340-1123

Hunting (Hunting )

FOR SALE: Savage model 40, 22 Hornet, Heavy barrel, Laminated thumbhole stock, very good condition, $550 OBO; Remington "Targetmaster" model 510, 22 caliber, $200. 515-669-1594

Hunting (Hunting )

GUNS: KIMBER 1911 45, S&W AR 556, RUGER 10-22, TAURUS G2 9MM, SCCY 9, REMINGTON 700 308, RUGER SR 40, SIG 320, RUGER MKIV 22, COLT AR COMPETITION, S&W 9 40, REMINGTON 870 12, 1100 12, REMINGTON 7600 30-06, SAVAGE 25-06, 308, RUGER 22 MAG, HENRY 22, 30-30, 45LC, WINCHESTER 94 30-30, 200 OTHERS AMMO PLUS JIM'S GUN AND PAWN NORWALK WE BUY PAWN, SELL AND TRADE 515-284-0350

General Services (Services)


General Services (Services)

WANTED: CUSTOM HARVESTING, beans and corn, JD equipment, trucking available, Lemon Farms, Dan 515-238-0593 or Jerad 515-468-5542.

General Services (Services)

B&B Mini-Storage Bevington, IA Drive A Little Save A Lot! 515-462-4558 1-800-564-4551 Bussanmas Services

General Services (Services)

EARLHAM MINI STORAGE 10x20 - $65 10x10 - $40 Fenced Outdoor Storage For Campers, Boats, Vehicles and Misc. Available $10-$35/month 515-758-2137

Construction (Services)

Breezy Hill Barns Nick Wilmes: 515-468-3889 Call or email for a free quote today! Machine sheds, Barndominium, Livestock Barns, and many more options

Employment (Employment)

HELP WANTED: Crop and livestock farm, full or part time, pay based on experience. 641-340-0225.

Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)

Wanted: 1960s Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Husky toy cars, cases (515) 822-3984. Thanks.

Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)

TWO OLD pressure cookers $50. 641-278-5044.

Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)

RUSTY GOLD ANTIQUES IOWA We are picking- Collections- Houses- Basements- Sheds- Barns- Junkyards- Buy Estates- anything old we pay cash up to $100,000 on hand. We come to you. We are not a TV show, just good ole boys. WANTED: old signs- farm primitives- old tools- motorcycle parts- cast iron- toys- railroad items- gas and oil items- and more. Call 515-250-3112

Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)

WANTED: 1960s Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Husky toy cars, cases. 515-822-3984, thanks.

Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)

WEST WING VINYLS Buying and selling Vintage Records 1002 W 2nd Ave. Indianola 319-431-5912

Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)

BUYING SIGNS Gas & Oil, Rail Road, Soda, Neon, Large Clocks, Vintage Advertising, Gas Pumps & MORE. Give us a call 515-991-1114.

Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)

BUYING: Old Coins Gold & Silver Any Amount 641-344-2813 Ask For Tony

Antiques & Collectibles (Antiques & Collectibles)

LOOKING TO BUY VINYL RECORDS: 60's-80's Rock, Blues and Jazz Call Brian 515-326-5033

Wanted (Wanted)

Wanted: 1960s Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Husky toy cars, cases (515) 822-3984. Thanks.

Wanted (Wanted)

Young farmer looking to cash rent farm ground in southern Madison or northern Union County. Curtis Berry 515-975-5340 Call/Text

Wanted (Wanted)

WANTED: Slabs of maple wood 4 & 6ft long, 8in & 10in wide. 515-360-4718

Wanted (Wanted)

WANTED: Riding lawn mower or tractor with Bomgaars motor on it, 2 cyl. 515-770-9705.

Wanted (Wanted)

WANTED: 1960s Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Husky toy cars, cases. 515-822-3984, thanks.

Wanted (Wanted)

YOUNG FARMER looking to cash rent farm ground in southern Madison or northern Union County. Curtis Berry 515-975-5340 Call/Text

Pets (Pets)

Lab mix female 4 months txt 515-451-2737

Pets (Pets)

Shih tzu and bichons, registered, shots, socialized, $300 - $450, 515-205-9312

Pets (Pets)

For Sale: 12 week old Morkie (male) $400, Yorkie puppies, ( 2male,1female)$500. Call/text 641-203-7402

Pets (Pets)

BECAUSE OF MY health, 10-week old Aussie pups need homes, (3) males, $50 each, (2) females, $100 each. 641-414-2996.

Pets (Pets)

LABRADOODLES Born June 2nd, mix colors, wormed and shots. Call after 4pm or early morning, 641-745-7760.

Pets (Pets)

LAB MIX female, 4 months, Text: 515-215-0286

Pets (Pets)

FOR SALE: ABCA registered Border Collie pups, 2 red and white males, working stock, shots and dewormed, DOB 7-18-24. Call/text 641-344-8383.

Pets (Pets)

ROTTWEILER PUPPIES AKC, vet checked; Chihuahua puppies, vet checked. 515-419-6129

Pets (Pets)

ANNADOODLE PUPPIES For Sale: Annatalian Shepherd mother, AKC standard poodle father, great livestock dogs, watch gates and moving stock, very protective and great family dogs, all shots, wormed and health certificate, ready Oct. 30, Everette Lee, 712-523-2282. See pictures on facebook.

Pets (Pets)

FOR SALE: 12 week old Morkie (Male) $400; Yorkie puppies, (2 males, 1 female) $500. Call/text 641-203-7402.

Pets (Pets)

BARN KITTENS FREE to good homes, multi color, 8-12 weeks, they been handled. 515-321-8275.

Pets (Pets)

SHIH TZU and Bichons, registered, shots, socialized, $300 - $450. 515-205-9312.

Lawn & Garden (Lawn & Garden)

FOR SALE: Craftsman 42in. snow blade for 20hp Craftsman lawn tractor, never used, paint and labels intact, paid $390 new, sell for $190. 641-336-2490 leave message.

Lawn & Garden (Lawn & Garden)

CRAFTSMAN LTX1000, 42in deck, new battery, $550. 515-770-9705

Lawn & Garden (Lawn & Garden)

WANTED: Riding lawn mower or tractor with Bomgaars motor on it, 2 cyl. 515-770-9705.

Lawn & Garden (Lawn & Garden)

JD LA115 42in deck, 19.5hp Briggs $750, delivery available. 515-770-9705.

Lawn & Garden (Lawn & Garden)

IH CUB CADET 782, 44 inch deck, hydraulic lift, rebuilt carburetor; JD 110 round fender with 38 inch deck, runs great and restored; new hood for JD 110 or 112; used hood for JD 317. 641-484-4397.