April 6, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 11:30 pm
Saturday, April 6th, 2024 @9AM
1916 S. 18th St. (Hwy 5 South) Centerville, Iowa
w/ Westendorf WL42 Loader; ’09 Kubota MX5100 4 wheel dr. Tractor; Farmall 400 Tractor, NF, Good Rubber; C Farmall Tractor; Blair 16’ Gooseneck Livestock Trailer; Polaris 400 4 Wheeler; IH #32 Sickle Mower; Case IH 8360 12’ Hay Conditioner; Case IH 950 30”- 12 Row Trailing Planter; Case IH 900 15” 12 Row Bean Planter; 1440 IH Combine w/ 16’ Bean Head; Kinze 15” Rows Bean Planter; 3 Cattle Crossings; King Kutter Brush Cutter; Hyd Disc; 3 Pt Disc; 2017 Bobcat 250 Propane Welder Generator, 1218 Hours, Serial # MH 191121R; Kewanee 1020 Hyd Fold Disc; 2 Axles; Gas Barrel/Stand, new Nozzle/Hose; 2005 5250 Bobcat Skid Steer, Turbo, Dirt Bucket, 3040 & 12 V Fuel Pump; Homemade dump trailer w/ Hyd. Hoses ; 1/2” Drill Press on Base; 8 IH 150 lbs Rear Weights; 4 – 16” 6 hole wheel weights; Alum foldable pkup ramp; Wheel Barrel; 78” Long Chevy Pkup floor liner; Skid Steer Hay Stabber; 2 dual wheel rims 17” wide, 38” 10 hole + 2 hubs off IH 1086; B & W Ball 4” back or forward from center; JD 3950 Chopper w/ 30” 2 Row Head; IH 56 Silage Blower; Bobcat Skid Steer; ’04 Ford F150 extended cab PKUP(V8, 4 WD, Runs Good, no fender rust, Red, w/ Matching Topper); ’06 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab, 4 WD, Red, Runs Good; 2 B. Plow; 2 R Cultivator; Gooseneck Livestock Trailer; IH Grinder Mixer; 100 Small Sq Bales of Alfalfa/ Grass Hay; Green Creep Feeder; 2 Hay Rings; 2005 H&S High Capacity 12 Wheel Rake; 4 Section Harrow/Cart; 200 Gal Sprayer; Lawn Cart; 2 Wagon Wheels; Elec Club Car Golf Cart; New Windows; Harrow; Power Tools; Large amount of Ammunition; Vermeer 8 Wheel Rake; 8 Bale Bumper Hitch Trailer; JD 14T Sq Baler; PKUP Box Trailer w/ Portable Fuel Barrel; Sections of Hog Flooring; Large White Tank; Coose Livestock Trailer; Cattle Hd Gate; SL Rock Bucket; Lick Tub; 20 NEW 24‘ Free Standing Cattle Panels; 14’ Tilt Bed Trailer, Pinto Hitch; 46 IH Baler; Large amount of small farm implements; Metal; JD 535 Baler; Fuel Tank; JD 7000 8 Row Corn Planter; Gravity Flow Wagon; JD 400 Auger Wagon; Bobcat 753 Skid Loader; M Farmall Tractor; Bob Cat Cat 642 B Bob Cat; 1998 Freightliner FL70; ’03 Ford F-150 4×4 Pickup; 42 Big Round Corn Stock Bales; Gates & Panels; Equipment coming in daily.
JANET DEMRY 641-895-4310 • 641-856-6408
TOM DEMRY 641-895-2508 • KRISTY DEMRY 641-895-2509
RANDY MULAY 641-436-1521 • DALTON OTT 563-880-5626