PUBLIC AUCTION: All vaporizer/several older clocks/Buffalo skulls and more.
March 3, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 11:30 pm
Sunday, March 3, 2024 @ 11:00 AM
Located at Skate Pit, Marion County Fairgrounds, Hwy 14N, Knoxville, IA
Several Jewel Tea pieces to include: salt and pepper shakers, bowls and Jewel T balloon/Jewel Tea coffee, new cans never opened/Mickey Mouse telephones/lots of jewelry to include: stick pins, hat pins, bracelets, and brooches/Hat pin holders/several jewelry boxes/large wooden barrel/old metal purses/motion lamp/several TV lamps/Borden campfire marshmallow tin/several banks/recipe boxes – full of recipes/ringer box for crank telephone/candle stick telephones/gumball machines/several Aladin lamps/Aladin electric lamps/Jr. Chef Magic – cool oven/Bentley 5” black and white TV/several 33 vinyl records in jackets/marbles/several older bedspreads/No1 and No3 Daisy glass churns/metal Daisy churn/Victor Co. tobacco powder/Vapor – All vaporizer/several older clocks/Buffalo skulls and more.
NOTE: This is a very abbreviated list as much of sale was already packed up, but there will be many, many more antiques and collectibles in this auction.
For More Info (641) 891-3606
Auctioneer: Larry Cummings
TERMS: Cash or good check. Photo ID Required for bidding number, not responsible for accidents, theft or inadvertent error in advertising.Everything sold as is where is.
Find us on Facebook at Cummings Auctions for pictures.