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Farmland Auction
453.73 Acres M/L in Warren County
 Thursday, November 9, 2023 | 10:00am
American Legion Post 165 | 105 W 1st Avenue | Indianola, IA 50125

Peoples Company is pleased to represent the Estate of Donald “Jake” Weeks with the sale of 453.73 acres m/l, to be offered in seven highly desirable tracts, just south of Indianola, Iowa on US Highway 69.

Tract 1: 64.2 acres m/l, carrying a CSR2 value of 87.8.
Tract 2: 60.6 acres m/l, carrying a CSR2 value of 74.1.
Tract 3: 59.4 acres m/l, carrying a CSR2 value of 46.8.
Tract 4: 75.2 acres m/l, carrying a CSR2 value of 69.2.
Tract 5: 44.8 acres m/l to be surveyed and conveyed.
Tract 6: 109.53 acres m/lTract 7: 40 acres m/l, carrying a CSR2 value of 84.

Jake Sickels | 515.681.2103 | Jake@PeoplesCompany.com | IA LIC S67181000
Hutchcroft | 515.321.5970 | JohnH@PeoplesCompany.com | IA LIC S32689000

Listing #17141

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