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Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 . 11am
Located at 410 SE 3rd St., Greenfield, IA
 (1 1/2 Blks south of Subway)

 We will be selling a very nice line of furniture, tools & household items for Irma. Come take a look as all is in great condition.

 Beautiful Sligh Grandfather clock (very nice); Brown couch with recliners; Glider rocker; Small roll-top desk; 2 Living room chairs; 3 lamp tables, matching lamps; Kitchen table, 4 chairs on rollers; Duncan Phyfe table, 4 chairs; 2 pc full size bedroom set; 3 pc queen bedroom set; 2 chest of drawers; hide-a-bed couch; recliner; desk; 2 file cabinets; Cedar Chest; smoke stand; Hoover vacuum; treadmill; plant stands; ping pong table; card table; dehumidifier; Crosley upright freezer; Samsung flat screen TV; GE stereo; Baldwin Viva Organ; Beautiful Ornate Antique Organ; Terry Redlin Print “Spring Morning”; Terry Redlin Collector Plates; pictures & mirrors; usual pots & pans; electric appliances; silverware; Pyrex; Corningware; sewing items; set of China; wall clock; HP printer; fans; luggage; quilts; albums; Western jug; collectible dishes; Carnival; pressed glass; kerosene lamp; figurines; boiler egg basket; garden plow; bedding and linens and much more.

Tools & Outside itemsLawn Furniture; lawn chairs; glider; women’s bicycle; yard ornaments; Coleman lantern; Sears Craftsman radial arm saw; Sears 10” band saw; drill press; router table; extension ladder; 2 step ladder; grinder; hand and yard tools; saw horses; weed eater; extension cords; clamps; shovels & saws; hoses; usual tools & household items found at an auction of this type.

Consignment of Tools and Collectibles

 Irma Jacobson

Auctioneers: Tim Baier 641-221-0302; Kolby Baier 641-745-0337
Ted Wallace 641-745-5424; Larry Symonds 641-221-0205
Clerks: Joni Baier, Kevin Miller

TERMS: Cash or good check. Not responsible for accidents.
Announcements day of sale take precedence over written material.

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